  • 应用工程师
  • Location: Shanghai
  • Position: Application Engineer - Power Systems
  • Responsibilities:
  • ● Technical representative for Automotive business unit and Chinese local customer interface, responsible to facilitate integration of the power liftgate system.
    ● 公司汽车业务单元和中国客户间的代表, 负责车门自动开启系统的应用
    ● Responsible to interpret and communicate customer requirements
    ● 负责了解并传递客户需求
    ● Responsible to represent Company’s interests in customer discussions
    ● 代表公司与客户进行业务洽谈
    ● Provide customer input to and obtain customer approval on originated documents including DVP&R, Drawings, Specifications, etc…
    ● 将客户的要求植入技术文件(如:图纸\技术要求/DVP&R 等)并得到客户的认可
    ● Coordinate Problem Resolution, Design Changes and Project Timing with customer.
    ● 和客户沟通技术问题的解决方案\设计变更以及项目开发时间表.
    ● Measurement of application performance using established measurement equipment and technique.
    ● 运用测量技术和设备评估产品的应用效果.
    ● Participate in technical problem solving issues through vehicle trials and trouble shooting.
    ● 通过车辆的试运行参与产品应用方面的技术问题的解决.
    ● Provide general engineering and manufacturing support to customer assembly facilities.
    ● 为客户方提供产品安装方面的技术支持.
  • Requirements:
  • ● BE in Electrical Engineering or BE in Mechanical Engineering with demonstrated electrical experience.
    ● 电器或机械类专业,本科以上教育背景,有电器方面的相关工作经历.
    ● Working/internship experience in product or application engineering in Automotive Industrial as Tier I supplier
    ● 汽车行业一级供应商产品或其应用方面的工作/实习经历
    ● Good at using CATIA or UG
    ● 熟练使用CATIA 和UG
    ● Good English communication skills
    ● 良好的沟通和表达技能
    ● Practical competence with measurement systems and validation techniques
    ● 在测量系统和产品验证方面有实践经验
    ● Ability to analyze and diagnose problems in electro-mechanical systems
    ● 在机电系统方面有解决和分析问题的能力.
    ● Understanding of standard engineering practices including DVP&R, APQP and FMEA
    ● 在DVP&R, APQP and FMEA 方面有一定认识
    ● Familiarity with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing and requirements
    ● 熟悉EMC 试验和要求
    ● Prior experience with closures mechanisms or linear actuators is preferred
    ● 有机械关闭机构和线性驱动器方面的经验优先

  • 如您对上述职位感兴趣,请将您的中英文简历通过以下方式投递,请在邮件中注明申请职位,谢谢您的信任!
    邮寄地址:中国上海虹桥开发区仙霞路137号盛高国际大厦1204室 (200051)

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